Astrology is the higher knowledge from the stars. It is the oldest philosophical and esoteric science and refers to active energies that are behind the manifestation. It is the primal knowledge that man as a microcosm is subject to the same laws as nature - the macrocosm.
Astrological psychology wants to make people aware of who they are.
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Birth Chart
The birth chart is a sketch of the sky situation at the time of birth and thus a schematic representation of a cosmic time quality or the qualitative potential of the time of birth. It shows the constellation of the solar system at the beginning of life and thus the growth and development potential of humans.
The birth chart is created using your date of birth, place of birth and time of birth.
If you do not know the time of your birth, you can ask the registry office at the place of birth.
Annual Chart
Once the natal chart has been drawn up, an annual chart can be prepared at any time. Which cosmic quality of time accompanies you this year? What are the current topics? - This shows the current constellation of the solar system in relation to your natal chart.
What I offer
Astrological Consultation
Based on your date, place and time of birth, I will create your birth chart. I will explain to you what you bring with you into this life - what talents, strengths, potentials. I address specific questions, be it about your personal development, professional orientation or partnership. I will also create your annual horoscope and advise you on the current quality of time you are in. I'll show you which topics are "on" for you this year.
Pricing: 120 USD
Duration: approx. 90 minutes
any further consultation:
60 USD up to 60 minutes
Make your appointment now!